* Copyright (c) 2018-present clchart Contributors.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
// 可以拖动的滑动块定义
// 支持锁定模式和自由模式,锁定模式滑动块固定大小,和传统滑动块类似,自由模式可左右选择范围,并返回值域,
// 通常定义最大最小值,当前选定的最大最小值,并在鼠标放开后返回当前值域
import {
} from '../util/cl.draw'
import {
} from '../chart/cl.chart.init'
import { CHART_LAYOUT } from '../cl.chart.def'
import {
} from '../util/cl.tool'
// display: 'none', // true
shape: 'fixed', // fixed 为固定宽度 free有边界
direct: 'horizontal', // ver 竖立 和横
range: 100,
select: { min: 40, max: 60 }, // min == beginIdx max = pageCount
status: 'enabled',
txt: {}
* Class representing ClChartScroll
* @export
* @class ClChartScroll
export default class ClChartScroll {
* Creates an instance of ClChartScroll.
* @param {Object} father order chart's parent context
constructor (father) {
initCommonInfo(this, father)
* init
* @param {Object} cfg
* @param {any} callback initialized callback
* @memberof ClChartScroll
init (cfg, callback) {
this.callback = callback
this.rectMain = cfg.rectMain || { left: 0, top: 0, width: 200, height: 25 }
this.layout = updateJsonOfDeep(cfg.layout, CHART_LAYOUT)
this.config = updateJsonOfDeep(cfg.config, DEFAULT_SCROLL)
// 下面对配置做一定的校验
// 再做一些初始化运算,下面的运算范围是初始化设置后基本不变的数据
* check config
* @memberof ClChartScroll
checkConfig () {
* Calculate all rectangular areas
* @memberof ClChartScroll
setPublicRect () { // 计算所有矩形区域
const count = this.config.range
let spaceX
this.rectChart = offsetRect(this.rectMain, this.layout.margin)
let start, stop, spaceY
if (this.config.direct === 'horizontal') {
spaceX = this.rectMain.width / (count - 1)
spaceY = this.rectMain.height - this.scale * 2
start = this.rectMain.left + spaceX * this.config.select.min
stop = this.rectMain.left + spaceX * this.config.select.max
if (this.config.shape === 'free') {
this.rectMin = {
left: start - this.layout.scroll.size / 2,
top: this.rectMain.top + this.scale,
width: this.layout.scroll.size,
height: spaceY
this.rectMax = {
left: stop - this.layout.scroll.size / 2,
top: this.rectMain.top + this.scale,
width: this.layout.scroll.size,
height: spaceY
this.rectMid = {
left: start + this.layout.scroll.size / 2,
top: this.rectMain.top + this.scale,
width: stop - start - this.layout.scroll.size,
height: spaceY
} else {
this.rectMid = {
left: start,
top: this.rectMain.top + this.scale,
width: stop - start,
height: spaceY
} else {
// spaceX = this.rectMain.height / (count - 1);
// spaceY = this.rectMain.width - this.scale * 2;
// start = this.rectMain.top + spaceX * this.config.select;
// stop = this.rectMain.top + spaceX * this.config.select;
* paint scroll chart
* @memberof ClChartScroll
onPaint () {
_setLineWidth(this.context, this.scale)
this.drawGridline() // 先画线格
* handle change info
* @param {Object} info
* @memberof ClChartScroll
onChange (info) {
this.config = updateJsonOfDeep(info, this.config)
if (this.config.select.max > this.config.range) this.config.select.max = this.config.range - 1
if (info.iscall) {
this.callback({ self: this, minIndex: this.config.select.min })
* find mouse index
* @param {Number} xpos
* @return {Number} index
* @memberof ClChartScroll
findMouseIndex (xpos) {
const count = this.config.range
const spaceX = this.rectMain.width / (count - 1)
const idx = Math.round((xpos - this.rectMain.left) / spaceX)
return idx
* check min
* @param {Number} min
* @return {Number}
* @memberof ClChartScroll
checkMin (min) {
if (min < 0) return 0
if (min > this.config.range - (this.config.select.max - this.config.select.min + 1)) {
return this.config.range - (this.config.select.max - this.config.select.min + 1)
return min
* on init
* @memberof ClChartScroll
onInit () {
this.who = undefined
* handle mouse out
* @memberof ClChartScroll
onMouseOut () {
this.who = undefined
* hanlde mouse down
* @param {Object} event
* @memberof ClChartScroll
onMouseDown (event) {
const mousePos = event.mousePos
if (inRect(this.rectMin, mousePos)) {
this.who = 'min'
} else if (inRect(this.rectMax, mousePos)) {
this.who = 'max'
} else if (inRect(this.rectMid, mousePos)) {
this.who = 'mid'
this.index = this.findMouseIndex(mousePos.x)
} else {
this.who = undefined
* handle mouse up
* @param {Object} event
* @memberof ClChartScroll
onMouseUp (event) {
if (this.config.shape !== 'free' && this.who === undefined) {
const mousePos = event.mousePos
const curIndex = this.findMouseIndex(mousePos.x)
let min = curIndex - Math.floor((this.config.select.max - this.config.select.min) / 2)
min = this.checkMin(min)
this.onChange({ min, iscall: true })
this.who = undefined
* handle mouse move
* @param {Object} event
* @memberof ClChartScroll
onMouseMove (event) {
const mousePos = event.mousePos
if (inRect(this.rectMin, mousePos) || inRect(this.rectMax, mousePos)) {
} else if (inRect(this.rectMid, mousePos)) {
} else {
if (this.who !== undefined) {
let min, max
const curIndex = this.findMouseIndex(mousePos.x)
if (this.config.shape === 'free') {
if (curIndex < this.config.select.max) {
if (this.who === 'max') {
max = curIndex
} else if (this.who === 'min') {
min = curIndex
} else if (curIndex >= this.config.select.max) {
if (this.who === 'min') {
min = this.config.select.max
max = curIndex
this.who = 'max'
} else if (this.who === 'max') {
max = curIndex
this.onChange({ min, max, iscall: true })
} else {
min = this.config.select.min + curIndex - this.index
this.index = curIndex
min = this.checkMin(min)
this.onChange({ min, iscall: true })
* clear chart
* @memberof ClChartScroll
drawClear () {
_fillRect(this.context, this.rectMain.left, this.rectMain.top, this.rectMain.width, this.rectMain.height, this.color.back)
* draw grid line
* @memberof ClChartScroll
drawGridline () {
_drawBegin(this.context, this.color.grid)
_drawRect(this.context, this.rectMain.left, this.rectMain.top, this.rectMain.width + this.scale / 2, this.rectMain.height)
drawButton () {
if (this.config.direct === 'horizontal') {
const spaceY = (this.rectChart.height - this.layout.scroll.height) / 2
if (this.config.txt.head !== undefined) {
_drawTxt(this.context, this.rectChart.left + this.scale, this.rectChart.top + spaceY,
this.layout.scroll.font, this.layout.scroll.pixel, this.color.axis)
if (this.config.txt.tail !== undefined) {
_drawTxt(this.context, this.rectChart.left + this.rectChart.width - this.scale,
this.rectChart.top + spaceY, this.config.txt.tail,
this.layout.scroll.font, this.layout.scroll.pixel, this.color.axis, { x: 'end' })
_drawBegin(this.context, this.color.colume)
_drawRect(this.context, this.rectMid.left, this.rectMid.top,
this.rectMid.width, this.rectMid.height)
_fillRect(this.context, this.rectMid.left, this.rectMid.top,
this.rectMid.width, this.rectMid.height, this.color.box)
if (this.config.shape === 'free') {
_fillRect(this.context, this.rectMin.left, this.rectMin.top,
this.rectMin.width, this.rectMin.height, this.color.colume)
_fillRect(this.context, this.rectMax.left, this.rectMax.top,
this.rectMax.width, this.rectMax.height, this.color.colume)
const len = _getTxtWidth(this.context, this.config.txt.left, this.layout.scroll.font, this.layout.scroll.pixel) + 2 * this.scale
if (this.config.txt.left !== undefined && this.rectMid.width > len) {
_drawTxt(this.context, this.rectMid.left + this.scale, this.rectMid.top + spaceY,
this.layout.scroll.font, this.layout.scroll.pixel, this.color.axis)
if (this.config.txt.right !== undefined && this.rectMid.width > 2 * len) {
_drawTxt(this.context, this.rectMid.left + this.rectMid.width - this.scale,
this.rectMid.top + spaceY, this.config.txt.right,
this.layout.scroll.font, this.layout.scroll.pixel, this.color.axis, { x: 'end' })