* Copyright (c) 2018-present clchart Contributors.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
// Following is the entity definition of ClChart
// generally only use this class to implement the function
// A ClChart class is just a drawing of the chart belonging to the dispatch framework, mouse and keyboard events, and does not store data
// When multiple maps are linked, the subgraphs are all here to get relevant information.
import {
} from '../util/cl.tool'
import ClChartLine from './cl.chart.line'
import ClChartOrder from './cl.chart.order'
import { setColor, setStandard } from '../chart/cl.chart.init'
showMode: 'last',
// 'last' Targeted by the latest data, maxIndex=-1 shows the latest data
// 'move' Set this parameter when the move occurs, -- may not be required
// 'fixed' Fixed display of a certain range of time-shared charts and 5-day lines.
// 'locked' Specify a record in the middle
fixed: { // 对应fixed模式
min: -1, // 最小记录, 为-1表示最小记录加上left
max: -1, // 最大记录, 为-1表式最大记录减去right
left: 20,
right: 20
locked: { // 只有当showMode=='locked'模式才有作用
index: -1, // 当前锁定的记录号,
set: 0.5 // 表示锁定在中间,1表示锁定在最后一条记录,当前记录的百分比
minIndex: -1, // 当前画面的起始记录号 -1 表示第一次
maxIndex: -1, // 当前画面的最大记录号 -1 表示第一次
hotIndex: -1, // 循环时需要定位当前数据的指针定位
showCursorLine: false, // 是否显示光标信息
moveIndex: -1, // 当前鼠标所在位置的记录号 -1 表示没有鼠标事件或第一次
spaceX: 2, // 每个数据的间隔像素,可以根据实际情况变化,但不能系统参数里设定的spaceX小
unitX: 5, // 每天数据的宽度 默认为5, 可以在1..50之间切换
rightMode: 'no', // 除权模式
hideInfo: false // 是否显示价格
* Class representing ClChart
* @export
* @class ClChart
export default class ClChart {
* Creates an instance of ClChart.
* @param {Object} syscfg
constructor (syscfg) {
this.context = syscfg.mainCanvas.context
this.cursorCanvas = syscfg.cursorCanvas
this.sysColor = syscfg.sysColor
// Use this to determine if it is the root element
this.father = undefined
* Re-initialize Chart to clean up all charts and data
* @param {any} dataLayer data layer
* @param {any} eventLayer event layer
* @memberof ClChart
initChart (dataLayer, eventLayer) {
// linkInfo 是所有子chart公用的参数集合,也是dataLayer应用的集合
this.linkInfo = copyJsonOfDeep(DEFAULT_LINKINFO)
// this.checkConfig();
// 初始化子chart为空
this.childCharts = {}
// 设置数据层,同时对外提供设置接口
// 设置事件层,同时对外提供设置接口
* clear current data and recharge linkinfo
* @memberof ClChart
clear () {
this.childCharts = {}
this.fastDraw = false
// this.eventLayer.clear();
this.linkInfo = copyJsonOfDeep(DEFAULT_LINKINFO)
* get child chart by key
* @param {String} key child chart key
* @return {Object} child chart
* @memberof ClChart
getChart (key) {
return this.childCharts[key]
// 以下是设置chart的事件关联接口,element表示映射的chart类
// 所有事件由外部获取事件后传递到eventLayer后,再统一分发给相应的图表
// eventLayer中有针对html5的鼠标键盘事件处理接口,其他事件处理接口另外再做
* get event layer
* @return {Object} event layer
* @memberof ClChart
getEventLayer () {
return this.eventLayer
setEventLayer (layer) {
if (layer === undefined) return
this.eventLayer = layer
this.eventLayer.bindChart && this.eventLayer.bindChart(this) // 把chart绑定到事件处理层
// bindEvent (chart) {
// this.eventLayer.bindEvent(chart);
// }
* get data layer
* @return {Object} data layer
* @memberof ClChart
getDataLayer () {
return this.dataLayer
* set data layer
* @param {Object} layer
* @memberof ClChart
setDataLayer (layer) {
if (layer === undefined) return
this.dataLayer = layer
layer.father = this
this.static = this.dataLayer.static
* Set the corresponding basic data key of the chart
* @param {Object} chart
* @param {String} key
* @memberof ClChart
bindData (chart, key) {
if (chart.hotKey !== key) {
this.linkInfo.showMode = 'last' // 切换数据后需要重新画图
this.linkInfo.minIndex = -1
chart.hotKey = key // hotKey 针对chart的数据都调用该数据源
this.fastDrawEnd() // 热点数据改变,就重新计算
* init data
* @param {Number} tradeDate trade date
* @param {Number} tradetime trade time
* @memberof ClChart
initData (tradeDate, tradetime) {
this.dataLayer.initData(tradeDate, tradetime)
* set data
* @param {String} key data key
* @param {Object} fields data field definition
* @param {any} value
* @memberof ClChart
setData (key, fields, value) {
let info = value
if (typeof value === 'string') info = JSON.parse(value)
this.dataLayer.setData(key, fields, info)
this.fastDrawEnd() // 新的数据被设置,就重新计算
* get data from datalayer by key
* @param {String} key
* @return {Array}
* @memberof ClChart
getData (key) {
if (this.fastDraw) {
if (this.fastBuffer[key] !== undefined) {
return this.fastBuffer[key]
const out = this.dataLayer.getData(key, this.linkInfo.rightMode)
if (this.fastDraw) {
this.fastBuffer[key] = out
return out
* init line data
* @param {Array} data
* @param {Array} lines
* @memberof ClChart
readyData (data, lines) {
for (let k = 0; k < lines.length; k++) {
if (lines[k].formula === undefined) continue
if (!this.fastDraw || (this.fastDraw && this.fastBuffer[lines[k].formula.key] === undefined)) {
{ data, minIndex: this.linkInfo.minIndex, maxIndex: this.linkInfo.maxIndex },
* create chart
* @param {String} name name is a unique name, the same name will override the previous class with the same name
* @param {String} className class name
* @param {Object} usercfg user custom config
* @param {Function} callback callback
* @return {Object} chart instance
* @memberof ClChart
createChart (name, className, usercfg, callback) {
let chart
switch (className) {
case 'CHART.ORDER': chart = new ClChartOrder(this); break
case 'CHART.LINE': chart = new ClChartLine(this); break
default : chart = new ClChartLine(this); break
chart.name = name
this.childCharts[name] = chart
// this.bindEvent(chart);
chart.init(usercfg, callback) // 根据用户配置初始化信息框
return chart
* draw all the layers contained in this area
* @param {Object} chart
* @memberof ClChart
onPaint (chart) {
if (typeof this.context._beforePaint === 'function') {
for (const key in this.childCharts) {
if (chart !== undefined) {
if (this.childCharts[key] === chart) {
} else {
// this.fastDrawEnd();
if (typeof this.context._afterPaint === 'function') {
* Used for the same group of multi-graph only take data once, this can speed up the display, the program structure will not be chaotic
* @memberof ClChart
fastDrawBegin () {
if (!this.fastDraw) {
this.fastBuffer = []
this.fastDraw = true
* set whether to turn on quick drawing
* @memberof ClChart
fastDrawEnd () {
this.fastDraw = false
* Set whether to hide the information bar
* @param {String} isHideInfo
* @memberof ClChart
setHideInfo (isHideInfo) {
if (isHideInfo === undefined) return
if (isHideInfo !== this.linkInfo.hideInfo) {
this.linkInfo.hideInfo = isHideInfo
* Set the background color
* @param {String} sysColor
* @param {Object | null} chart
* @memberof ClChart
setColor (sysColor, chart) {
this.color = setColor(sysColor)
if (chart === undefined) chart = this
for (const key in chart.childCharts) {
chart.childCharts[key].color = this.color
this.setColor(sysColor, chart.childCharts[key])
// 需要将其子配置的颜色也一起改掉
for (const key in chart.childDraws) {
chart.childDraws[key].color = this.color
this.setColor(sysColor, chart.childDraws[key])
for (const key in chart.childLines) {
chart.childLines[key].color = this.color
this.setColor(sysColor, chart.childLines[key])
this.sysColor = sysColor
* setting drafting standards
* @param {String} standard
* @memberof ClChart
setStandard (standard) {
// this.makeLineData = function(data, key, formula, punit) {
// return this.dataLayer.makeLineData(data, key, this.linkInfo.minIndex, this.linkInfo.maxIndex, formula);
// }